Monday, November 15, 2010

foggy fall monday

It's foggy here, super foggy. It's as if everything is still outside except the birds and squirrels in our backyard. And that's only because my husband insists of feeding them every morning. Willa is already snoozing away and I've been able to catch up on some much missed blog reading and online this and that. Lots of fun things to share:

Beautiful advice on motherhood (via Cup of Joe).

Love this holiday wrapping paper.

I'm still obsessed with Sunol and yet they still remain a mystery band despite all my research.

Crochet Jewelry. I'd like some.

Modern Thanksgiving tablescape.

Suede winter sandal. Add it to the wishlist.

And Willa is up.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sunset Meals

I love Sunset Magazine. It's always a great day when the mailman delivers it. Even though I live many, many states away from the Western ones (sniff, sniff) I still take my favorite magazine and try out most of the recipes. Now, they are always pretty good... but the last two months have been insanely good. October was filled with one-dish dinners (who needs to make two dishes when you only have to make one?! Um, mom's with newborns). Also in October, lots of recipes that incorporate exotic spices. I made the most delicious chicken dish. And I don't even like chicken most of the time. It was amazing. I served it with a small side of butternut squash soup and frozen garlic naan from TJ's.

Bengali Five-Spice Roasted Chicken
Click here for recipe.
*I marinated the chicken overnight.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Dwell Studio just came out with their new organic layette collection for babies. Hello, cuteness! Willa is going to be sportin' some new duds in no time. If only I had the same new wardrobe that she does.

Willa goes to the polls!

Yep, that's right... Willa is a patriotic baby exercising her right to vote at an early age. It was a pretty exciting morning and I know her granddaddy's would be proud. We even met another baby while waiting in line who was five days younger than Willa. Nothing like a newborn getting involved in politics. Who says you need to be 35 to run for President?!

Unfortunately, this was the only photo we were able to take of Willa's first experience at the polls. No cameras allowed inside... booo.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Willa the Zebra

I dressed Willa up as a zebra for her first trick-or-treat experience. From what I could tell, I think she enjoyed the festivities but wasn't very pleased about wearing her cute little zebra cap. But we couldn't have let her be a maneless, earless zebra now could we?! She sure helped bring in the tasty sugar treats for her parents.

Um... hello pumpkin! Look at that dimple!!

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